Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When enough is enough

When I think of the many reasons obtaining a healthy weight and lifestyle are important, there is one that stands out most prominently.  Perhaps this number one reason stands out so predominately because it comes from the first book of the Bible, Genesis.  You and I have at least one thing in common.  We are made in God’s likeness (New King James Version, Gen. 1.26). Isn’t that incredible?  A few years ago I remember seeing a program that you could upload your photo to and it would tell you which celebrity you most looked like.  I’m sure that it did not suggest Jesus unless you had dark, long hair and a white robe.  I find it quite incredible that even if we all look different; we are all made in the Lord’s likeness. 

When I ponder how I can best exude the likeness I share with the Lord, the first thought that comes to my mind does not involve double chins.  It also doesn’t include being so thin my bones are countable through my skin.  Rather, when I think of the likeness, I think of health.  I think of working hard to provide sustenance, but not over abundance.  I think of having just “enough”.  This thought of having enough was originally brought to my attention by another Christian woman.  We worked in the same office and were discussing lifestyle changes around the water cooler.  I told her what program I was working on. She shared with me that her prayers had been simply for “enough”.  I inquired further.

She began to explain how she didn’t want to be starving, but she also didn’t want too much.  She was focusing on eating portions that sustained her, but nothing more.  She would eat until she was satisfied, not so full she hurt.  She would eat when she was hungry, but only dish up a small portion.  After all, she could find more to eat if she was still hungry.  Her concept was great for her own health and wellness, but it was also beneficial for being a good steward.  She could limit her impact on the environment and the economy.  Naturally, this lifestyle change spilled over in to every part of her life.  The concept of having just “enough” eased her budget.  By spending less on luxuries, she had enough left for charitable giving.  By making major purchases that fit her needs, but were not larger or fancier, she had enough to retire at a comfortable age.

The concept of enough seems to fit right alongside the idea of being made in the Lord’s likeness.  It’s a discipline that has a tremendous impact on not only how we fill our plates and bodies, but how we live our Christian lives.

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